If you've been holidaying over the Easter break, chances are you spent a little less time in front of a mirror applying makeup...or did you?
Is it a human failing to want/need to wear makeup all the time? Although I rarely go out the door without some cosmetic applied to my face, if I'm camping I don't (my husband considers it contraband) and I must admit I do feel a bit self conscious for the first day.
For most of us, it's standard procedure to present ourselves in a package fit for work, meetings, socialising etc and makeup is just part of this process. It's nice every now and then to just pull on something comfortable and just relax - and even though my makeup is usually the last thing to go - it's nice sometimes to let this stay at home as well.
One thing I do try to remember is to 'slip, slop, slap'. Some of my favourites are Clinique's Super City Block SPF 30+ and the Cancer Council's Everyday Sunscreen Spray SPF 30+.
But regardless of whether you were as glamorous as ever or enjoying a break from your mascara - I hope you enjoyed your Easter break.
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thanks for your comments, Ali